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Water Services


The WSP currently draws water for treatment from two main sources that is River Kathita and Gatabora Springs.

Our Water Treatement and Production has a daily output of 8,500 M3/Day. this is from two treatment plants: Milimani Treatment Plan (Source of water is River Kathita) and Kigure High-Level Direct Filtration Unit (Source of water is River Kathita). Click the button below for more information on our operational Data, Water Connectivity and Sanitation Connectivity.

Water Treatment and Production

The WSP has a daily output of 8,500 M3/Day. this is from two treatment plants:

Milimani Treatment Plant
  1. Source of water is River Kathita
  2. Design Capacity is 14,150 m3/Day
  3. Daily production is 6,550 M3/Day
  4. Treatment system:
    • Horizontal Flow Units- 10,350
    • Composite treatment unit- 950 M3/Day per CTU Total-3,800
Kigure High Level Direct Filtration Unit:
  1. Fed by Gatabora Springs
  2. Capacity – 1,850 m3/Day
  3. Production- 1,850 m3/Day

Operational Data

  • The SPA is 140KM2
  • The population in the SPA is 159,576 as at June 2022
Water Connectivity
  1. 101 KM2 OF SPA is covered
  2. Population served is 113,362 as at June 2022
  3. Active connections- 15,559
  4. Dormant Connections – 3,400
Sanitation Connectivity
  1. 8 KM2 of SPA is covered
  2. Population served is 33,466 as at June 2022
  3. Active connections- 1,032