Water Services
Our Water Treatement and Production has a daily output of 8,500 M3/Day. this is from two treatment plants: Milimani Treatment Plan (Source of water is River Kathita) and Kigure High-Level Direct Filtration Unit (Source of water is River Kathita).
Sewerage Services
Bottled Water Services
Introducing to you MEWASS bottled water & the true taste of quality, bottled straight from the natural springs of Mount Kenya. Our bottling is done under stringent hygienic conditions. It passes through a series of filters and electromagnetic waves to guarantee our clients safe refreshing and soft drinking water.
Exhauster Services
Septic tank to be exhausted is not more than 60 ft (20 meter) away from the parking accessible by the lorry. Septic tank should not be more than 20 ft deep from where the exhauster shall be stationed for loading.