Meru Water and Sewerage Services Company Limited
Meru Water and Sewerage Services Company Limited (MEWASSCO) is incorporated under the Company’s Act 2015 Laws of Kenya. The Company is fully owned by the County Government of Meru
Principal Activities
The principal activity of the Company is to provide water and sanitation services within it’s area of jurisdiction
Vision Statement
A model, world-class provider of water and sanitation services
Mission Statement
To sustainably provide quality, reliable and affordable water and sanitation services to the residents of Meru County leveraging on modern technology
Core Values
- Integrity – Professionalism
- Team work – Innovativeness, Transparency
- Inclusiveness – Customer service, Environmental and climate change consciousness
MEWASS Water Sources
The WSP currently draws water for treatment from two main sources that is River Kathita, ASK Stream and Gatabora Springs.
Our Water Treatement and Production has a daily output of 8,500 M3/Day. this is from two treatment plants: Milimani Treatment Plant (Source of water is River Kathita) and Kigure High-Level Direct Filtration Unit (Source of water is Gatabora springs and ASK stream). Click the button below for more information on our operational Data, Water Connectivity and Sanitation Connectivity.